<?php namespace HashOver; // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Jacob Barkdull // This file is part of HashOver. // // HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // Change to the HashOver directory chdir (realpath ('../../')); // Check if request is for JSONP if (isset ($_GET['jsonp'])) { // If so, setup HashOver for JavaScript require ('backend/javascript-setup.php'); } else { // If not, setup HashOver for JSON require ('backend/json-setup.php'); } try { // Instantiate HashOver class $hashover = new \HashOver ('json'); // Throw exception if API is disabled $hashover->setup->apiCheck ('latest'); // Enable remote access $hashover->setup->setupRemoteAccess (); // Check if a page URL was given if ($hashover->setup->getRequest ('url') !== false) { // If so, set page URL from POST/GET data $hashover->setup->setPageURL ('request'); } else { // If not, set thread name from POST/GET data $hashover->setup->setThreadName ('request'); // And set website from POST/GET data $hashover->setup->setWebsite ('request'); } // Initiate and finalize comment processing $hashover->initiate (); $hashover->finalize (); // Comments and statistics response array $data = array (); // Add locales to data $data['locale'] = array ( 'dislike' => $hashover->locale->text['dislike'], 'dislikes' => $hashover->locale->text['dislikes'], 'external-image-tip' => $hashover->locale->text['external-image-tip'], 'like' => $hashover->locale->text['like'], 'likes' => $hashover->locale->text['likes'], 'today' => $hashover->locale->text['date-today'], 'commenter-tip' => $hashover->locale->text['commenter-tip'], 'subscribed-tip' => $hashover->locale->text['subscribed-tip'], 'unsubscribed-tip' => $hashover->locale->text['unsubscribed-tip'], 'replies' => $hashover->locale->text['replies'], 'reply' => $hashover->locale->text['reply'], 'loading' => $hashover->locale->text['loading'], 'click-to-close' => $hashover->locale->text['click-to-close'] ); // Add setup information to data $data['setup'] = array ( 'server-eol' => PHP_EOL, 'default-name' => $hashover->setup->defaultName, 'user-is-logged-in' => $hashover->login->userIsLoggedIn, 'image-extensions' => $hashover->setup->imageTypes, 'image-placeholder' => $hashover->setup->getImagePath ('place-holder'), 'theme-css' => $hashover->setup->getThemePath ('latest.css'), 'image-format' => $hashover->setup->imageFormat, 'device-type' => ($hashover->setup->isMobile === true) ? 'mobile' : 'desktop', 'allows-images' => $hashover->setup->allowsImages, 'uses-markdown' => $hashover->setup->usesMarkdown ); // Add UI HTML to data $data['ui'] = array ( 'user-avatar' => $hashover->ui->userAvatar (), 'name-link' => $hashover->ui->nameElement ('a'), 'name-span' => $hashover->ui->nameElement ('span'), 'thread-link' => $hashover->ui->threadLink (), 'reply-link' => $hashover->ui->formLink ('{href}', 'reply'), 'like-count' => $hashover->ui->likeCount ('likes'), 'dislike-count' => $hashover->ui->likeCount ('dislikes'), 'name-wrapper' => $hashover->ui->nameWrapper (), 'date-link' => $hashover->ui->dateLink (), 'theme' => $hashover->templater->parseTheme ('latest.html'), 'comment-wrapper' => $hashover->ui->commentWrapper () ); // Attempt to get comment thread from GET/POST data $get_thread = $hashover->setup->threadName ?: 'auto'; // Check if we're getting metadata for a specific thread if ($get_thread !== 'auto') { // If so, attempt to read thread-specific latest comments metadata $latest = $hashover->thread->data->readMeta ('latest-comments', $get_thread); } else { // If not, attempt to read global latest comments metadata $latest = $hashover->thread->data->readMeta ('latest-comments', 'auto', true); } // Check if the latest comments read successfully if ($latest !== false) { // If so, reduce number of latest comments to configured limit $latest = array_slice ($latest, 0, $hashover->setup->latestMax); } else { // If not, set to empty array $latest = array (); } // Latest comments $comments = array (); // Run through the latest comments foreach ($latest as $raw) { // Get comment key $key = $raw['comment']; // Split comment key by dashes $key_parts = explode ('-', $key); // Attempt to read page information metadata $page_info = $hashover->thread->data->readMeta ('page-info', $raw['thread']); // Skip if we're missing metadata if ($page_info === false) { continue; } // Otherwise, parse comment $comment = $hashover->commentParser->parse ($raw, $key, $key_parts); // Merge comment with page metadata $comment = array_merge ($page_info, $comment); // Add comment to response array $comments[] = $comment; } // HashOver instance information $data['instance'] = array ( 'comments' => array ('primary' => $comments), 'total-count' => count ($comments) ); // Generate statistics $hashover->statistics->executionEnd (); // HashOver statistics $data['statistics'] = array ( 'execution-time' => $hashover->statistics->executionTime, 'script-memory' => $hashover->statistics->scriptMemory, 'system-memory' => $hashover->statistics->systemMemory ); // Encode JSON data echo Misc::jsonData ($data); } catch (\Exception $error) { echo Misc::displayException ($error, 'json'); }