<?php namespace HashOver;

// Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with HashOver.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Tell browser this is XML/RSS
header ('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');

// Change to the HashOver directory
chdir (realpath ('../'));

// Do some standard HashOver setup work
require ('backend/nocache-headers.php');
require ('backend/standard-setup.php');

// Setup class autoloader
setup_autoloader (function ($error) {
	echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', PHP_EOL;
	echo '<error>', $error, '</error>';

// Parses comment into RSS item
function parse_comments (&$metadata, &$comment, &$rss, &$xml, &$hashover)
	// Skip deleted/unmoderated comments
	if (isset ($comment['notice'])) {

	// Encode HTML entities
	$comment['body'] = htmlentities ($comment['body'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', true);

	// Decode HTML entities
	$comment['body'] = html_entity_decode ($comment['body'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

	// Remove [img] tags
	$comment['body'] = preg_replace ('/\[(img|\/img)\]/iS', '', $comment['body']);

	// Parse comment as markdown
	$comment['body'] = $hashover->markdown->parseMarkdown ($comment['body']);

	// Convert <code> tags to <pre> tags
	$comment['body'] = preg_replace ('/(<|<\/)code>/iS', '\\1pre>', $comment['body']);

	// Get name from comment or use configured default
	$name = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'name') ?: $hashover->setup->defaultName;

	// Create item element
	$item = $xml->createElement ('item');

	// Start item summary title with user's name
	$title = $name . ' : ';

	// Strip HTML tags from comment and remove all newlines
	$single_comment = str_replace (PHP_EOL, ' ', strip_tags ($comment['body']));

	// Check if comment is more than 40 characters long
	if (mb_strlen ($single_comment) > 40) {
		// If so, add 40 characters of comment to summary title
		$title .= mb_substr ($single_comment, 0, 40) . '...';
	} else {
		// If not, add comment to summary title as-is
		$title .= $single_comment;

	// Create item title element
	$item_title = $xml->createElement ('title');
	$item_title_value = $xml->createTextNode (html_entity_decode ($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
	$item_title->appendChild ($item_title_value);

	// Add item title element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_title);

	// Create item name element
	$item_name = $xml->createElement ('name');
	$item_name_value = $xml->createTextNode (html_entity_decode ($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
	$item_name->appendChild ($item_name_value);

	// Add item name element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_name);

	// URL regular expression
	$url_regex = '/((http|https|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-@:%_\+.~#?&\/=]+) {0,}/iS';

	// Add HTML anchor tag to URLs (hyperlinks)
	$comment['body'] = preg_replace ($url_regex, '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $comment['body']);

	// Replace newlines with break tags
	$comment['body'] = str_replace (PHP_EOL, '<br>', $comment['body']);

	// Create item description element
	$item_description = $xml->createElement ('description');
	$item_description_value = $xml->createTextNode ($comment['body']);
	$item_description->appendChild ($item_description_value);

	// Add item description element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_description);

	// Create item avatar element
	$item_avatar = $xml->createElement ('avatar');
	$item_avatar_value = $xml->createTextNode ($comment['avatar']);
	$item_avatar->appendChild ($item_avatar_value);

	// Add item avatar element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_avatar);

	// Check if likes are enabled
	if (!empty ($comment['likes'])) {
		// If so, create item likes element
		$item_likes = $xml->createElement ('likes');
		$item_likes_value = $xml->createTextNode ($comment['likes']);
		$item_likes->appendChild ($item_likes_value);

		// Add item likes element to item element
		$item->appendChild ($item_likes);

	// Check if dislikes are enabled
	if ($hashover->setup->allowsDislikes === true) {
		// If so, check if comment has any dislikes
		if (!empty ($comment['dislikes'])) {
			// If so, create dislikes item element
			$item_dislikes = $xml->createElement ('dislikes');
			$item_dislikes_value = $xml->createTextNode ($comment['dislikes']);
			$item_dislikes->appendChild ($item_dislikes_value);

			// Add dislikes item element to item element
			$item->appendChild ($item_dislikes);

	// Create item publication date element
	$item_pubDate = $xml->createElement ('pubDate');
	$item_pubDate_value = date (DATE_RSS, $comment['timestamp']);
	$item_pubDate_node = $xml->createTextNode ($item_pubDate_value);
	$item_pubDate->appendChild ($item_pubDate_node);

	// Add item pubDate element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_pubDate);

	// URL to comment for item guide and link elements
	$item_permalink_url = $metadata['url'] . '#' . $comment['permalink'];

	// Create item guide element
	$item_guid = $xml->createElement ('guid');
	$item_guid_value = $xml->createTextNode ($item_permalink_url);
	$item_guid->appendChild ($item_guid_value);

	// Add item guide element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_guid);

	// Create item link element
	$item_link = $xml->createElement ('link');
	$item_link_value = $xml->createTextNode ($item_permalink_url);
	$item_link->appendChild ($item_link_value);

	// Add item link element to item element
	$item->appendChild ($item_link);

	// Add item element to main RSS element
	$rss->appendChild ($item);

	// Recursively parse replies
	if (!empty ($comment['replies'])) {
		foreach ($comment['replies'] as $reply) {
			parse_comments ($metadata, $reply, $rss, $xml, $hashover);

// Creates RSS feed
function create_rss (&$hashover)
	// Shorter variable name
	$thread = $hashover->setup->threadName;

	// Attempt to read page information metadata
	$metadata = $hashover->thread->data->readMeta ('page-info', $thread);

	// Check if metadata read successfully
	if ($metadata !== false) {
		// If so, set page URL blank if it's missing from the metadata
		if (!isset ($metadata['url'])) {
			$metadata['url'] = '';

		// And set page title to "Untitled" if it's missing from the metadata
		if (!isset ($metadata['title'])) {
			$metadata['title'] = $hashover->locale->text['untitled'];
	} else {
		// If not, set default metadata information
		$metadata = array (
			'url' => '',
			'title' => $hashover->locale->text['untitled']

	// Create new DOM document.
	$xml = new \DOMDocument ('1.0', 'UTF-8');
	$xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
	$xml->formatOutput = true;

	// Create main RSS element
	$rss = $xml->createElement ('rss');
	$rss->setAttribute ('version', '2.0');
	$rss->setAttribute ('xmlns:dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
	$rss->setAttribute ('xmlns:content', 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/');
	$rss->setAttribute ('xmlns:atom', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');

	// Create channel element
	$channel = $xml->createElement ('channel');

	// Create channel title element
	$title = $xml->createElement ('title');
	$title_value = $xml->createTextNode (html_entity_decode ($metadata['title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
	$title->appendChild ($title_value);

	// Add channel title to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($title);

	// Create channel link element
	$link = $xml->createElement ('link');
	$link_value = $xml->createTextNode (html_entity_decode ($metadata['url'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
	$link->appendChild ($link_value);

	// Add channel link to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($link);

	// Check if there is more than one comment
	if ($hashover->thread->totalCount !== 1) {
		// If so, use "X Comments" locale string
		$showing_comments_locale = $hashover->locale->text['showing-comments'];
	} else {
		// If not, use "X Comment" locale string
		$showing_comments_locale = $hashover->locale->text['showing-comment'];

	// Create channel description element
	$description = $xml->createElement ('description');
	$count_locale = sprintf ($showing_comments_locale, $hashover->thread->totalCount - 1);
	$description_value = $xml->createTextNode ($count_locale);
	$description->appendChild ($description_value);

	// Add channel description to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($description);

	// Create channel atom link element
	$atom_link = $xml->createElement ('atom:link');
	$atom_url = $hashover->setup->domain . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?url=' . urlencode ($metadata['url']);
	$atom_link->setAttribute ('href', 'http://' . $atom_url);
	$atom_link->setAttribute ('rel', 'self');

	// Add channel atom link to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($atom_link);

	// Create channel language element
	$language = $xml->createElement ('language');
	$language_value = $xml->createTextNode ('en-us');
	$language->appendChild ($language_value);

	// Add channel language to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($language);

	// Create channel ttl element
	$ttl = $xml->createElement ('ttl');
	$ttl_value = $xml->createTextNode ('40');
	$ttl->appendChild ($ttl_value);

	// Add channel ttl to channel element
	$channel->appendChild ($ttl);

	// Add channel element to main RSS element
	$rss->appendChild ($channel);

	// Add item element to main RSS element
	foreach ($hashover->comments['primary'] as $comment) {
		parse_comments ($metadata, $comment, $rss, $xml, $hashover);

	// Add main RSS element to XML
	$xml->appendChild ($rss);

	// Return RSS XML
	echo preg_replace_callback ('/^(\s+)/m', function ($spaces) {
		return str_repeat ("\t", mb_strlen ($spaces[1]) / 2);
	}, $xml->saveXML ());

	// Return statistics
	echo $hashover->statistics->executionEnd ('php');

try {
	// Instantiate HashOver class
	$hashover = new \HashOver ('rss');

	// Throw exception if API is disabled
	$hashover->setup->apiCheck ('rss');

	// Enable remote access
	$hashover->setup->setupRemoteAccess ();

	// Set page URL from GET data
	$hashover->setup->setPageURL ('request');

	// Initiate comment processing
	$hashover->initiate ();

	// Parse primary comments into usable data
	$hashover->parsePrimary ();

	// Attempt to get sorting method
	$method = $hashover->setup->getRequest ('sorting', 'by-date');

	// Sort comments by sorting method
	$hashover->sortPrimary ($method);

	// Create RSS feed
	create_rss ($hashover);

} catch (\Exception $error) {
	echo Misc::displayException ($error, 'rss');