<?php namespace HashOver; // Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Jacob Barkdull // This file is part of HashOver. // // HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. class Locale { protected $setup; public $text; public function __construct (Setup $setup) { // Store parameters as properties $this->setup = $setup; // Get appropriate locale file $locale_file_path = $this->getLocaleFile (); // Include the locale file $this->includeLocaleFile ($locale_file_path); // Prepare locale $this->prepareLocale (); } // Check for PHP locale file protected function getLocaleFile () { // Check if we are automatically selecting the locale if ($this->setup->language === 'auto') { // If so, get system locale $ctype = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, 0); // Split locale by encoding $ctype_parts = explode ('.', $ctype); // Get locale code (en_US, de_DE, etc.) $locale = $ctype_parts[0]; } else { // If not, use configured language as locale $locale = $this->setup->language; } // Convert current locale code to lowercase $locale = mb_strtolower ($locale); // Get path to locales directory $locales_path = $this->setup->getAbsolutePath ('backend/locales'); // Convert locale code to dashed format (en-us, de-de, etc.) if (strpos ($locale, '_') !== false) { $locale = str_replace ('_', '-', $locale); } // Convert locale code to dashed format if it isn't hyphenated if (strpos ($locale, '-') === false) { $locale .= '-' . $locale; } // Locale file path to try $locale_file = $locales_path . '/' . $locale . '.php'; // Try to use locale file for current locale if (file_exists ($locale_file)) { // If exists, set locale code as language setting $this->setup->language = $locale; // And return locale file path return $locale_file; } // Otherwise, set language setting to English $this->setup->language = 'en-us'; // And return path to English locale return $locales_path . '/en-us.php'; } // Includes a locale file protected function includeLocaleFile ($file) { // Check if the locale file can be included if (@include ($file)) { // If so, set locale to array stored in the file $this->text = $locale; } else { // If not, throw exception throw new \Exception (sprintf ( '%s locale file could not be included!', mb_strtoupper ($this->setup->language) )); } } // Injects optionality into a given locale string protected function optionality ($locale, $choice = 'optional') { // Optionality locale key (default to optional) $key = ($choice === 'required') ? 'required' : 'optional'; // Optionality locale string $optionality = mb_strtolower ($this->text[$key]); // Inject optionality into locale string $new_locale = sprintf ($locale, $optionality); return $new_locale; } // Adds optionality to any given locale string public function optionalize ($key, $choice = 'optional') { return $this->optionality ($this->text[$key] . ' (%s)', $choice); } // Prepares locale by modifying them in various ways protected function prepareLocale () { // Add optionality to form field title locales foreach ($this->setup->formFields as $field => $option) { // Title locale key $tooltip_key = $field . '-tip'; // Title locale string $tooltip_locale = $this->text[$tooltip_key]; // Inject optionality into title locale $optionality = $this->optionality ($tooltip_locale, $option); // Update the locale $this->text[$tooltip_key] = $optionality; } } // Return file permissions locale with directory and PHP user public function permissionsInfo ($file) { // PHP user, or www-data $php_user = Misc::getArrayItem ($_SERVER, 'USER') ?: 'www-data'; return sprintf ( $this->text['permissions-info'], $this->setup->getHttpPath ($file), $php_user ); } }